Intuitive Coaching

Using the Astrological Chart as a portal, I will guide you through specific areas of your chart more in depth, looking at your archetypal patterns, life challenges, impressions from culture, family dynamics, life cycles, service, gifts and unique potential. I will be using a combination of coaching, facilitated journey work, guided meditation, dream interpretation and journaling assignments.

My Coaching sessions are designed to be a series in which we work through subconscious beliefs, cultural messages and wounds that are keeping you from moving forward in a purpose driven, joyful and connecting life.

How It Works

You will have two sessions a month, unlimited email support, journaling assignments in between sessions.

  • I will advocate for your highest growth, potential and transformation.
  • I will guide you to a deeper connection to your purpose and truth.
  • I am committed to helping you find your path and walk it with mastery.
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